Fuji and all of the other ducks were sitting around the pond just quacking away when Loney asked Fuji if he knew how we got here? Fuji began his story about what he knew. There is a whitehaired gentle person who began it all. His name is God. When everything began there was absolutely nothing here at all, no water, no plants nothing. Only thing God had to do was just speak and all that He called into being came to life. You know how when we first come out here in the morning, we see the sun is over the pond? That is what God did in the beginning, except there was only deep waters and a deep void. Nothing existed before His voice and His face hovered over the waters. He was the light, so He spoke into the darkness and said, “Let there be light and just like He said the light came to be. He looked at the light and made the sun, moon and the stars that twinkle at night. He didn’t like the light to be in just one place so He divided it into the day with the sun and the moon to come out at night and occasionally the stars would come out to help at night, God gave names to what He had created. He called the morning Day and the evening Night. This was God’s first day and there are several more days to go for the whole story. God left this first day and said, “It was good.” Please come back next week as Fuji continues this amazing story
Thank you Lois
Reading them is good, thank you.